Girl dressed as holiday elf stands with arms stretched out wide in front of bags filled with gifts

Madeline Kolosh gets hugs from two girls at after giving gifts to them.

A Walker’s Grove Elementary School third grader helped brighten the holiday of some less fortunate children this year.

Madeline Kolosh donned an elf costume and helped deliver more than 90 gifts to the Children’s Home and Aid now Brightpoint in the Englewood community of Chicago on December 11.

The gifts came from the Just Cause nonprofit organization run by Vanessa Mussatto of Plainfield, who is Kolosh’s neighbor.

Madeline said her favorite part of the experience was handing candy canes to the children and getting mobbed by hugs from them.

“I like giving more than getting (gifts),” Madeline said.

Janelle Kolosh, Madeline’s mom, said she is proud of her daughter for helping give out the gifts.

“I love to see the joy she gets from helping others,” said Janelle Kolosh.

Madeline’s teacher Karen Williams said in class recently the third grader offered to give her stuffed animal to another student who lost theirs.

“Madeline is a sweet, caring student who is friendly to everyone in her class,” Williams said.

Madeline Kolosh poses with adults and children who hold a "thank you" sign. Kolosh helped give out gifts to less fortunate families.